Archive for the ‘Daily things’ Category

Last night!

March 21, 2007

I did play 3 tournaments! First I found the good Kbvital (member of the league) in skype and we agreed on playing a sitngo at Vegas, unfortunately the table we or me thought of playing he didn’t find before it started and therefor I played it alone! We did agree on a small omaha h/l $0.60 buyin and we found a table that started about 10 min later so I did 2 omaha sitngo at the same time. Nothing I usually do because I do wanna focus on one at the time!

 Game no 1 I really did good at and won. Oboy could for once totally dominate the table and I had it under control, bullying and scaring the others out of the pot! Felt pretty nice to have gotten that respect from hand no one wich I really hitted off and knocked out 2 in one single stroke! got Hi and no lo wich the other 2 chased!

Game no 2 Hmmmm did pretty OK there and got third so I did the money in both in total of aprox $3.30 (Not much but still better win small than loose big)

Game no 3 Oboy shorthanded nlholdem $3 buyin leaguegame!!! And I say noooooo did not good there at all came in 11th! Had some pretty awful hands and blinds ate my stack!

Every time I did get something that was somewhat playable I was either out of position or raised but that’s poker and I shouldn’t complain at all. Did breake even  when i comes down to monetary questions and it could have been worse. I could have lost money!

Questions and myths about swedes

  1. Yes we do run around in cloggers (although if the dutch or scandinavians invented them i don’t know?)
  2. No we’re not the one famous on chocolate (that’s switzerland, the alps)
  3. yes we do jump like frogs on midsummerseve, singing hyms to them
  4. Yes It happens we fall asleep drunk under a table at midsummerseve (and on other occasions too)
  5. Yep fistfights do occur on numerous occasions during these festivities!
  6. Oooh and we do sing a hymn dedicated to a preachers crow and how he/she/it can’t stay on the road and slides down a ditch on this festive night (Oboy how stupid is that?)
  7. yep some do run around in the woods drunk as hell (Either believing they seen a nymph or believing they are one)
  8. Some do actually believe they’ve seen “the evil spirit of the water” sitting there naked playing his violin or they try to scare children with it! (or maybe not so much anymore but they used to)
  9. Nope not every girl here’s a pornstar, sinful as hell (that i think belong to the 60s)
  10. Nope we don’t have polarbears running loose in the streets (although we do feel like polarbears during the winter sometimes)
  11. No no no not everyone’s driving Volvo
  12. No I don’t know in person the members of ABBA nor am I related to Henke Larsson (don’t know why ppl ask me that?)
  13. yes we do eat fermented baltic herring, at least up in northern region (the southern region can’t stand this and turn up one’s nose at that fact)
  14. yes up in the northern region we do have more fun waiting on to get into the nightclub than we actually do have inside the nightclub (sometimes)
  15. No Not everyone’s homedistilling booooooze, although some of us do wanna!
  16. No old Viking-way of living exist here anymore hence no more hijacking women, looting other kingdoms nor burning villages!
  17. Not every girl are blonde with blue eyes!

So now you learned some bit about us swedes in general hope you still like us anyway! 😀

Now i’m gonna find me a nice pokertable and win me some money so until next time buh-bye

Todays event got me thinking!

March 20, 2007

About mentors and mentoring! Having 3 coworkers sitting around me listening and learning made me think real hard about that thing mentoring! I did everything right instinctively into slightest detail almost anticipading all questions in advance. Not from the coworkers but from the CEOs and marketmanagers now!

Had especially one call with a CEO of an international company who every time tries to make things as hard for me as he can and afterwards I was going through every detail of the conversation in my mind and found to my surprise that nothing at all had been that hard. It went smoooooooothly and I had all the answers not matter how hard he even tried to test me! That guy always tries to take all these calls to it’s ultimate test to make out how serious you are and I can understand he’s not taking any bullshit! But this time it was as if I knew in advance what he had! (Picked up every tell and sign he put out there) And it felt great! The same thing I feel every time Pinkdog or Blagger mentoring me at the pokertable so my biggest question is

Why do we perform our best when mentoring someone or being mentored?

It can’t be insecurity because I really don’t feel insecure in my work on the contrary I do feel very secure in my line of business and know I’m good at what I do! I have the paycheck and stats to prove it! So why then? Do we really need to be monitored to perform our best and why isn’t it enough monitoring ourself?

Could it be sloppyness? We don’t think we need to be coaching and mentoring ourself anymore? Could it have come to this that it isn’t enough to compete with ourself anymore?

If so I think it’s a shame that it has come this point that we sometimes forget to stop and think of our own need of mentoring! We are so busy thinking of what others think of us we forget to tend to ourself

Could it be so?

I’m not preaching selfishness here! We shouldn’t skip helping others who need help at all! It’s great to be needed and you learn more by mentoring others! I’m just saying we shouldn’t forget to take a moment to ourself and just breathe, mentoring ourself a little bit

I made the sell by the way to that CEO!

When I started to blog

March 19, 2007

I thought i’d only have material for a monthly, weekly or tops tvice per week but it looks more like a daily now!

Today i’m keeping myself from playing poker, not really up to it and then I shouldn’t and I have to get up real early tomorrow for work! Have to mentor 3 new coworkers tomorrow who will be sitting around me listening and learning how to! OK what i do for a living have a lot of similaryties to poker actually cause you don’t sell the product (doesn’t matter what it is) you play the other person at the other end of the line! Phsycology! So I do have a great opportunity to look for and study signs and tells in the opponent! (I call them opponents and/or players, oboy am I competitive! rofl I wonder what dr Freud would think?) The only differences between my work and poker are I don’t get cards and I can’t see the other players wich makes it even more fun to try to pick up the tells or signs! Have to listen hard and now I mean really listen to the pitch in voice, how they respond and not so much to what they present to me and say! Have to learn how to trust instincts and gutfeeling!

So it’s not just at the pokertable you learn how to become a successful winner at poker, it’s everywhere in everyday life! I find myself to be amused by trying to find situations where I can relate to poker and practice! (How fanatic can a person be actually?)

What I do for a living? I book salesmeeting between my group of salesreps and companies! And who are my opponents? CEOs and marketmanagers at some very large and  awesome companies, could be scary if you allow yourself to be intimidated!

This is a little bit of me and how I do to build up my mentally stage to win in poker in an easy way! In both situations I do bring home a bigger pot than if I do a flat call or fold believing them on what they say

Until next time buhbye